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Who We Are


The Salaam Club of Florida was founded in Jacksonville, FL in 1912 by proud Americans of Syrian and Lebanese descent. Their mission was to embrace the United States with their assimilation and allegiance, because America provided them and their future generations a new life of hope: a hope founded upon principles of freedom, equality and opportunity. Our club honors our mutual heritage by gathering together for social, charitable and cultural events. We offer a full slate of activities for families, young adults and those who are young at heart. We are on our 5th generation!

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What We Believe
The Salaam Club is an organization which combines our Americanism with the culture of Syria and Lebanon: strong traditions of belief in God, sense of family, love of heritage and willingness to serve each other. We believe life is better lived together. The Salaam Club recognizes the diverse religious and political beliefs of its members and therefore does not promote or foster any sectarian, religious or political movements.

Become a Member

Contact Us




Salaam Club of Florida

 8101 Beach Blvd.

Jacksonville, FL 32216

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Easter Egg Hunt

Join us for the Easter Egg Hunt on April 13th. Use link to RSVP

Celebrate With Us

We want to share your good news with our members: marriages, births, graduations etc. Send an email with the details to the bulletin editor

Raffle Tickets

Get your tickets for the raffle at the Big Picnic. $50 suggested donation.

Pre-Order Kibbee

Pre-order kibbee and spinach pies for the Annual Picnic on April 27th. Use link below to place your order.


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Salaam Club of Florida Inc. 8101 Beach Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32216

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